Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final leg

I am done with classes.  The keys have been handed in.  Evaluations of my abilities as a "teacher" have been filled out.  All I have left is to finish some grading and mail off grades.  By Monday, for sure- although I have a personal goal of Friday afternoon- I will be done with my semester completely and totally.


Then it's winter break, where I will set up my binder full of pre-labs and notes on how to do the lab. 
I also want to try and figure out a way to give out equations and useful information without taking away time for lab.   Next semester, I have three labs and two fifteen minute breaks....Time is most certainly of the essence.
Oh, I haave goals!  small goals, but goals nonetheless.
Step in the right direction for life!

So now, I am going to dive into some papers and get this done. 
Wish me luck.