Monday, August 23, 2010

In one week, I will be a lab insructor.  I have six labs over two days and fourteen hours.  I am teaching two courses, a general chem lab and an even more watered down topics in science class for non-science majors.

I am terrified and excited.  I know that this will be a great experience.  I made a list of pros and cons.
Pros: It's a job.  It's in my field.  I have time to study and figure out what I am doing with my life.  I will get really great public speaking skills.  I will have a pretty cool resume.
Cons: I didn't actually have to interview.  I am still at the same place I've been for the past four years.  I feel like I don't know anything about chemistry.

  It could be worse.  And, it is pretty cool.
So.  Can she do it?